11 Home Remedies To Lose Weight


Maintaining a healthy body is essential for every individual. However, an individual may not be able to maintain a healthy life style because of irregular sleeping and working hours, over dependence on junk food, poor eating habits and so on. It is very easy to gain weight. Excess weight can result in many problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid and so on. An individual can try various types of home remedies for reducing weight.

Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight Naturally


An individual should drink atleast 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day. Drinking cold water can help an individual in burning excess calories. Drinking water before a meal prevents overeating. This remedy can be used to reduce weight and prevent weight gain.


Hot Lemon Water

An individual can prepare lemon water with the use of lemon juice and water. This mixture should be boiled and consumed empty stomach (regularly) in the morning to obtain effective results. Lemon water is considered as a highly effective remedy for weight loss.

Lemon Water

Green Tea

Regular consumption of green tea can help in reducing weight. It is advisable to drink green tea 3 to 4 times in a day before each meal. Green tea helps in burning excess calories and  improving digestion.

Green Tea1

Physical Activity

Physical activity is important for every individual. Morning walk can be considered as one of the best exercises. An individual should go for a walk of at least 45 – 60 minutes in the morning. Daily walk can help in burning excess fat and improving the digestive system. Practicing yoga on a daily basis can provide more effective results. Some of the yoga postures an individual can practice for reducing weight include dhanurasana, sarvangasana, chakrasana and paschimottanasana.

De- Stress And Relax


Consumption of honey along with water on a regular basis can help in burning fat and excess calories. Intake of honey before sleep can give effective results.



Mint can be considered as a good home remedy for weight reduction. A mixture (chutney) can be prepared with the use of green mint and spices. This mixture can be consumed regularly. It is advisable to consume this mixture with every meal to obtain better results. Another alternative is to prepare and drink mint tea.

Mint Tea


Consumption of food items prepared with the use of different spices like ginger, black pepper, mustard seed and so on can also help an individual in reducing weight.

Consumption of all these spices can help in improving metabolism and digestion, removing toxins and so on.



Basil is another home remedy to reduce weight. An individual can boil basil leaves and ginger in a glass of water. Regular intake of this mixture (empty stomach) can give the desired results.

Basil Leaves

Apple Cider Vinegar

Consumption of apple cider vinegar (2 to 3 spoons) in a glass of water before each meal can also help in reducing the weight. Adding honey to this mixture can provide better results.

Apple Cider Vinegar


An individual can consume tomato as a salad item or as a part of various food items (on a regular basis) to reduce excess weight.



Low fat-yogurt is another home remedy for weight loss. Consumption of yogurt two to three times on a daily basis can help in reducing excess fat.
