How To Use Oatmeal For Blackheads

Facial blackheads are a common skin issue that affects a large number of people including teenagers and adolescents. The main cause of this problem is the blockage of hair follicles by oil, dirt as well as dead skin. It appears in the form of small-sized black bumps on the skin. Although blackheads are not painful, it spoils the beauty. The face, nose, and forehead look ugly with blackish spots. Oatmeal is a natural ingredient that can remove blackheads. We will give some tips for using it. Following are some tips on how to use oatmeal for blackheads.

1. Use Cooked Oatmeal:

Cooked oatmeal is useful for removing blackheads from the skin.[1] Cool oatmeal and wait till it becomes cold. Apply the oatmeal on the face. Cover the face with a warm washcloth. Remove the washcloth and wash the face after fifteen minutes.

2. Use Oatmeal With Turmeric:

Make a homemade scrub for blackheads with oatmeal and turmeric. It will remove extra oil from the skin and exfoliate it well. Make the scrub by mixing the oatmeal powder with turmeric powder. Mix the two ingredients well. To this, add lemon juice. Apply the paste on the skin with a massaging movement. Continue to scrub and massage the skin for two minutes. Wash the skin after fifteen minutes. Do this twice every week.[2]

3. Use Oatmeal With Yogurt:

Oatmeal and yogurt can remove blackheads. Yogurt has antiseptic properties, which helps in healing the skin. Mix oatmeal and yogurt with very little lemon juice. Mix well. To this, you should add olive oil. Wash the face with water. Apply the above mixture with a massaging movement. Wash the skin after fifteen minutes. Dry the skin. Apply moisturizer.[3]

4. Use Oatmeal With Honey:

Oatmeal and honey help in removing blackheads and cleaning the skin. Mix cooked oatmeal with half an amount of honey. Apply the paste on the face, nose, and cheeks. Wait till the mask becomes dry. After that, wash the face. It will help in removing dirt and oil from the face.[4]

5. Use Oatmeal And Banana:

Remove blackheads from the skin by using oatmeal and banana. Make a face mask by mixing oatmeal with mashed banana. To this, you should add very little lukewarm milk and honey. Mix well. Apply the mixture on the face. Wait for fifteen minutes and then wash the skin.[5]


6. Use Oatmeal With Almonds:

Oatmeal and almonds are excellent remedies for exfoliating the skin and getting rid of blackheads.[6] Grind oatmeal and almonds to get its powder using a food processor. Mix very little water with the powder of oatmeal and almonds. Apply the mixture on the face. Wait for some time and then wash the skin.

7. Use Oatmeal With Parsley:

Oatmeal and parsley help in reducing oil from the skin and healing blackheads. Prepare parsley tea by boiling parsley in water. Cool for ten minutes. Strain the tea to separate the liquid. Grind oatmeal to make powder from it. Mix the oatmeal powder with a very little amount of parsley liquid. Add egg white to it. Mix well. To this, you should add lavender or tea tree essential oil. Clean the face. Apply the above mixture. Wash the skin after fifteen minutes. Dry the skin. Apply moisturizer.[7]

8. Use Oatmeal With Lemon Juice:

Oatmeal and lemon juice open the blocked skin pores and removes blackheads. [8] Mix cooked oatmeal with an equal amount of lemon juice. Apply the paste on blackhead affected areas of the face. Wash the face after fifteen minutes. Do this thrice every week.

9. Use Oatmeal And Green Tea:

Oatmeal and green tea helps in removing blackheads and exfoliating the skin.[9] Grind oatmeal to make its powder. Prepare green tea by steeping loose green tea or tea bags of green tea in boiling water. Strain the tea and mix the liquid with the oatmeal powder. Apply the mixture on the face like a mask. Wait for some time and then wash the face. Apply hydrogen peroxide over the blackheads.

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