You might have experienced difficulty in motion, or in others words constipation. Constipation not only injures your body but also weakens you. So in this article you will come across some herbal medications that you can take to take care of your constipation problems. So read on.
Herbal Medicine For Constipation
Bel Fruit (Aegle Marmelos)
Castor (Ricinus Communis)
Aloe Vera
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Flaxseed is good for people who take less starch and sugar in their food. Flaxseed has one special property that is highly rich in fibre both soluble and insoluble. This property makes it an excellent laxative against constipation. You can eat flaxseed just like nuts or dry fruits.
Fenugreek or the Indian methi is a commonhouese hold item. It has a specia propeety of being very slippery in nature when warm and wet. This property makes it very useful in treating constipation. You can take methi in the form of granules that should be soaked in water overnight. Chew the granules. Or you can also take the water. This product on reaching your intestines works as a laxative and pushes the waste products out of the body very easily.
Dandelion Tea
Tea such as Dandelion tea can also be taken twice or thrice in a day to treat constipation. Though it is not known to be very effective, you can still give it a try and substitute it with y our normal tea or coffee.