5 Natural Diet To Fight Acne

5 Natural Diet To Fight Acne

Natural Diet To Fight AcneNatural Diet To Fight Acne

As they say, there is nothing more effective than a healthy diet to treat acnes. Acne occur either due to hormonal changes in the body or unhygienic food. While water is the best source to replenish pure blood, a couple of other food items including beverages can be easily prepared at home and used to get rid of acne.

Besides, Italian cuisine is a great way to treat acne since all dishes are made in Olive Oil. Olive oil has saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which contains effective acids to stress down the acne. Check out the following fantastic food items that directly help fight the acne.

Best Diet For Acne

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice To Reduce AcneLemon Juice To Reduce Acne

Lemon juice is rich in citric acid and enzymes. It effectively opens the pores and keeps the skin clear and breathing. Plus, it helps to eliminate blood toxins. Lemon juice can be prepared by simply squeezing a lemon in a glass of water.Avoid too much sweet and add ice.  Drink it twice a day for results. While it is the best beverage in summers, warm water can be used in winters. Plus, it’s a fantastic additive for party drinks. Skip alcohol next time and pick up a lemon drink!


This fruit contains anthocyanin pigments and large number of acids. Plus, It is one of the richest sources of vitamins such as vitamin B and C.  Eat this fruit regularly, the photochemical present in it help to cure the skin problems and protect it.Raspberries can be added to custards and fruit salads. Eat a small bowl of Raspberries once a day, preferably as a breakfast. You may add them to your cereals diet with warm milk. How make sure you don’t add sugar to the milk since Raspberries are naturally sweet.


Yogurt is an effective cleansing agent. It is one of the best natural remedies to achieve a glowing skin. Yogurt contains antibacterial and antifungal qualities. It helps to cleansing the skin, unblocking pores and lowering down the irritation. Yogurt can be consumed directly just like curd. Eat it twice a day before every meal. Besides, it can also be applied externally on the blotch.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera is a rich source of uronic acids and photo chemicals. It penetrates deep into the skin easily and increases the circulation of blood. Get a leaf and peel off the external rind and yellow layer to get the pure Aloe Vera gel.Now, get 2 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel and mix with any citrus juice. Blend it properly. Consume the beverage once a day. You may add sugar to balance the odious bitter taste. However, avoid adding it if you can withstand the natural taste.

Oysters And Shellfish

Oysters and shellfish both are rich source of zinc and omega-3 acid. Fish works as an anti-inflammatory source. Fishes should be regularly consumed especially in winters. However, make sure they are not excessively fried.Fried fish looses its natural potency and may contribute in accumulating more oil in the blotches. Check for certain Chinese and Thai dishes that have Fish prepared in steam and minimum treatment of spices and other additives. Plus, avoid consuming the food with any beverage. It may cause stomach ache.

Akshay Sharma:
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