Role Of Acupuncture In The Treatment Of Depression


Acupuncture In The Treatment Of Depression Technological development and advancements are aimed at making man’s life easier and convenient. However, it seems to be having a reverse effect. Today, almost everyone is prone to stress and depression, be it due to workplace issues, or as a result of health problems.

Stress, worry, anxiety and depression can have tremendous harmful effects on your body, which can even lead to worsening of certain life threatening diseases. Medications and pills do work in reducing depression, but taking them over a long period of time can lead to serious problems. It is therefore recommended to use alternative therapies to cure depression. Acupuncture, a widely used alternative therapy works amazingly in reducing stress and curing chronic depression. Read on to find out how…

Acupuncture In The Treatment Of Depression

How The TCM ViewsDepression

TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) views the body as a system with all organs and tissues interlinked to one another. Depression is thought to be a negative manifestation of blockages in the stomach and the liver meridians. These blockages are thought to lead to accumulation of energy in particular areas, leading to increased stress, depression and other problems which ultimately affect the entire body. In short, in the acupuncture treatments, it is believed that stimulating a few points on the body will bring about overall health of the body.

Acupoints For Depression

Acupoints are energy centers located at different points on the body. Applying pressure to these points or stimulating them with a needle is thought to induce energy flow and remove blockages that may be causing depression and stress.

Acupoints For Depression


Here are some acupoints that help reduce chronic stress and depression. If an acupuncturist is not available, apply pressure on these points yourself with your thumb. Apply moderate pressure or make circular motions on the point.

Heart Shu Point

This point is thought to be the best for the treatment of depression, anxiety, stress and other chronic psychological problems. It is located on the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra.

Liver Shu Point

Liver Shu Point


This point is located on the lower border of the spinous process of the 9th vertebra.

Spleen Shu Point

You will require a professional acupuncturist to get to this point. It is located on your back, near the 11th thoracic vertebra.

Yang Stream

This point can be located on the muscle between the index finger and the thumb. The benefit of this point is that it can be pressed easily and anywhere in public places too.

Inner Gate

This point is easily located and can be found by measuring 3 finger widths upwards from your wrist and between the 2 tendons of the forearm.

Inner Gate


Keep pressing along the way between the tendons to locate the point that is sensitive and tender.

Safety Tips

Though acupuncture is a safe science and virtually has no side effects, it is best to consult a doctor before starting with the acupuncture treatment. Pregnant women and those suffering from skin diseases and certain bone conditions should avoid acupuncture therapy. Elderly people who are extremely weak should also avoid these treatments.