Six Best Essential Oils For Wrinkles


Best Essential Oils For Wrinkles

Wrinkles are generally termed as the creases on the skin formed due to aging, stress and environmental factors. When the skin is young, the epidermis or the outer layer holds the moisture and is able to stretch. However, over the years, it loses elastin fiber that helps in keeping the skin young and collagen protein as well which supports the structure of the skin. Eventually, the fat around the skin get disappeared leading to sagging of the same and forming of the Wrinkles.

Essential oils are considered the best options for anti aging care. The nurturing and corrective properties of these oils are supposed to be especially useful to treat adult skin and thereby, reducing the formation of fine lines and Wrinkles. Proteins and nutrients present in essential oils promote cell regeneration and aid to retain moisture without obstructing pores.

Various Best Essential Oils For Wrinkles

1. Frankincense Oil

Unique oil with rich aromatic fragrance, Frankincense oil is calming as well as cytophylactic. This property of the oil supports the regeneration of new cells and their growth. The anti aging property helps in tightening sagging skin and reducing chapped dry skin.It also acts as a natural anti blemish agent which diminishes scars and marks. The most prominent way to use it for the skin is to dilute the same in a carrier oil with only 2%. Regular application of the oil will ensure the restoration of sagging skin, crows feet and Wrinkles.

Frankincense Oil

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2. Rosewood Oil

Rosewood oil is one of the expensive and valued oil in cosmetic industry due to its ability of stopping down the further breakage of collagen protein. It stimulates circulation of blood and promotes healing of scars and tissues.This tissue regenerator is a relaxing oil too that cures the problems of dry skin. A regular application of this oil guarantees a healthy, young and youthful skin with no reminiscent of Wrinkles.

 Rosewood Oil

3. Patchouli Oil

Highly anti-inflammatory and anti aging properties of the Patchouli oil makes it a suitable key ingredient of many cosmetic formulas.The oil prepared from the small leaves of its bush is a natural acne healer and pore reducer. It tightens the sagging skin and thereby, helps in reducing fine lines and Wrinkles.

Patchouli Oil

4. Grape Seed Oil

A great antioxidant, Grape seed oil fights with free radicals causing damage to the skin. The oil itself is very rich in minerals and vitamin E that helps in slowing down the process of aging.Vitamin E helps in the formation of collagen and elastin fibers and protects the skin from harsh environmental factors. It is again a proven Wrinkle remover vitamin with elastic properties that keeps Wrinkles at bay.

Grapeseed Oil

5. Myrrh Oil

The most anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-infectious and astringent tonic for facial skin is what we know as Myrrh oil. This oil is essentially helpful in rejuvenating the aging skin and reducing deep wrinkles.It improves the texture and tone of the skin by providing lost elasticity to the tissues and at the same time, takes care of pigmentation, blemishes and sun damage. This oil needs to be diluted with a carrier oil before applying on the skin.

 Myrrh Oil

6. Neroli Oil

The extract of the petals of the orange plant, Neroli oil is extremely suitable to dry and sensitive skin. The natural chemical citral present in the skin helps in stimulating growth of the cells and tightening of the same as well.Add some drops of the oil to any carrier oil and massage regularly. It will shrink facial pores and remove Wrinkles. These oils are exceptionally well to keep Wrinkles away from the skin. Stress free lifestyle along with creative outlook would always be more fruitful along with these oils.

Neroli Oil