Top 10 Foods Rich In Manganese

Manganese is one of the essential mineral required for the proper functioning of the enzymes, bone development, healing wounds, and absorption of the nutrients. Manganese is present in small doses in the body and is one of the components of the antioxidant enzyme SOD that helps combat free radicals. Lacking this vital trace mineral is a rare condition and can lead to conditions such as bone disorders, joint pains, and fertility problems. According to few studies, the recommended regular intake of manganese for adult men is 2.3mg and for adult women it is 1.8mg. Including foods rich in manganese is a great way to get rid of manganese deficiency and to get an abundant dose of this mineral.

Below Is The List Of The Top 10 Foods Rich In Manganese:


Seafood contains high doses of zinc and is one of the highest sources of manganese. Mussels take the first place and they contain 5.8mg of manganese. Clams are placed second and third place goes to crawfish. Other fish varieties such as perch, trout, bass etc. also contain a healthy dose of manganese. However, you need to make sure you pick the healthy varieties as some varieties of fish are contaminated with mercury.


Seeds such as pumpkin seeds are also great sources of manganese. They are the best source of manganese in seeds and contain nearly 1.3mg of this trace mineral. Also, chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds are a great source of manganese and can meet most of your daily manganese requirement. These seeds are also rich in manganese and other plant components such as phytosterols.


Nuts are one of the amazing sources of manganese for vegans. For instance, hazelnuts can meet 78% of your recommended daily intake of manganese. Other nuts such as walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts contain 40% of RDI of manganese. Pine nuts have 3mg of manganese for every 1/4th cup serving. Other nuts varieties such as pistachios, almonds, cashews contain good doses of manganese. Also, nuts contain omega 3s, plant sterols, vitamin E, and L-arginine which help in enhancing your cardiovascular health.


Beans are one of the highest sources of protein and contain a high dose of manganese. A cup of lima beans contains more than half the requirement of manganese i.e. 0.49mg. Also, chickpeas, white beans, adzuki beans, black beans also contain high doses of manganese. A half cup of navy beans has 0.48mg.

Leafy Green Vegetables:

Leafy green veggies such as kale and spinach contain high doses of manganese. Also, spinach, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, mustard greens, collard greens, Swiss chard etc. have good amounts of manganese. Kale contains 0.7mg of manganese for every 100gm serving. This is the reason why people who include plant-based foods have lesser chances of developing manganese deficiency.

Whole Grains:

Whole grains contain good amounts of manganese. Wheat germ contains good doses of manganese among other whole grain varieties. Whole grain cereals contain 2.7mg of manganese in a quarter cup serving. Bran flakes along with raisins contain 1.2mg of manganese for every 3/4th cup serving. Also, oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat pasta contains nearly 1mg of manganese for every half cup serving. A 1/4th cup of wheat grains has around 6mg of manganese.


Spices not only add taste to your bland food but also provide a good dose of manganese. Certain kinds of spices such as cloves, basil, saffron, cardamom etc. contains great amounts of manganese. Cloves are one of the highest sources of this trace mineral. 100 grams of cloves contain 60.1mg of manganese. A 2-tbsp serving of cardamom has 0.91mg of manganese and it is 0.74mg for black pepper.


Sweets are often considered unhealthy. However, molasses, maple syrup, cocoa contain high doses of this trace mineral and can meet most of your daily manganese requirement. A 100gm serving of cocoa has 3.8mg of this trace mineral.

Tea And Coffee:

Manganese is also high in instant tea, green tea, coffee etc. A cup of brewed tea can provide 0.8mg of manganese for an 8-ounce serving. A cup of brewed coffee has 0.5mg of manganese for every 8-ounce serving.


Fruits such as strawberries and other berry fruits are loaded with good amounts of manganese. A half cup of cranberry juice provides at least 0.6mg of manganese. Also, pineapple juice contains nearly 1.5mg of manganese for every half cup serving. A half cup serving of raspberry juice contains 0.41mg of manganese. Also, antioxidant-rich berries such as strawberries contain 0.28mg of manganese for every half cup serving and blueberries are packed with 0.25mg of manganese for a similar serving.

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