Top 5 Drugs And Medications To Treat Night Sweats

Night Sweats Hormonal changes cause night sweats. Women are mostly affected by night sweats. While sleeping some women experience uncomfortable perspiration and thus they can’t sleep. Women get affected by night sweats during menopause.

Fever, decrease in body weight, trembling are some of the symptoms of night sweats. You can get rid of night sweats by using some drugs and medications. Top 5 drugs and medications to treat night sweats are as follows:

Drugs And Medications To Treat Night Sweats


Clonidine helps to treat night sweats by reducing it. You should take it as a tablet orally every day along with a glass of water. You should take it 2 times every day, once in the morning and once at night before going to bed. If after taking clonidine, you experience slow or fast heartbeat, itching sensation and fainting, then you should consult a doctor.


If you are pregnant, then you should consult a doctor before taking clonidine to treat night sweats. Some side effects of clonidine are constipation, drowsiness, drying of the mouth and depression.


You should take it in the form of tablets 2 times every day for 6 months and if after that this drug is not effective in treating night sweats then you should consult a doctor. You should have it along with a glass of water or have it along with some food in your lunch and dinner every day. Stomach upset, increased weight, nausea, dizziness and vomiting are some of the side effects of remifemin.


You should consult a doctor if you have any pain in the muscle and feel weak after taking remifemin. People with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems should consult a doctor before taking remifemin.


You should take this antidepressant medication orally in the form of a tablet or capsule along with a glass of water. You should chew it completely or swallow it with some water. Nausea, anxiety, sweating and dizziness are some of the side effects of paraxetine.


You should consult a doctor, if after taking paroxetine you experience irregular heart rate, diarrhea, restlessness and pain in the muscles. People with glaucoma, kidney problem, peptic ulcers and liver problem should consult a doctor before taking paroxetine.


You should take it in the form of tablets or capsules and swallow it with a glass of water. Headache, stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness are some of the side effects of this drug. People with high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes should consult a doctor before taking ibuprofen to treat night sweats. People with intestinal problems, heart problem, kidney and liver disease should consult a doctor before taking ibuprofen.


You should take it orally as a tablet or capsule along with some food or water. You should take it 2-4 times every day. Some of the side effects of aldomet are headache, dizziness, weakness and drowsiness.


People with liver disease, heart problem and anemia should consult a doctor before taking aldomet to treat night sweats. Thus by using the above mentioned drugs and medications you can treat night sweats.