A dental condition that occurs after tooth extraction when a blood clot dissolves is known as dry socket. It is a very painful dental problem. People who have wisdom teeth pulled, have poor oral hygiene, smoke are more likely to get dry socket.
Pain 2 days after the tooth is pulled, a dry- looking opening, a white bone instead of a dark blood clot, bad breath are some of the symptoms of dry socket. You can get rid of dry socket by following 5 herbal remedies which are as follows:
Herbal Remedies For Dry Socket
Take some (a pinch) turmeric in glass of rinse lukewarm water and wash your mouth with this solution. You can also take some dry salt, turmeric and mustard oil, mix them well and then gently apply it on the dry socket.Do this 2-3 times every day as this will help to reduce the pain associated with the dry socket. Other than reducing the pain for some time, turmeric is also very effective in healing the dry socket.
Clove Oil
Applying clove oil in the affected area is the most effective herbal remedy for dry socket. Clove oil is very strong, so mix it with some olive oil and dilute it or you can also dilute it by adding few drops of clove oil (5-6 drops) to a cup of water. Then take some cotton balls, add few drops of the oil or soak it in the cup and then apply it on the affected area. Do it 1-2 times every day.
Chamomile Tea
Place a tea bag in a cup of boiling water. Then take out the tea bag and allow it cool. Then apply the tea bag (cooled) on the affected area and press it with your teeth. Keep it like that for at least 5- 10 minutes.Try to do this 3-4 times every day as it will help you to get rid of any intense pain. You can also apply chamomile tea bags directly to the affected area and even drink at least 2-3 cups of tea every day.
Aloe Vera
Use fresh aloe vera gel taken from the aloe plant and add (½ teaspoon) in a cup of water. Then wash your mouth properly with this solution 3-4 times every day. You can also add few drops of the gel to some cotton balls and then apply it on the affected area. Massage gently and then keep it like that for at least 10 minutes.
Take some neem leaves and grind them well. Make a thick paste by adding some water to the leaves. Then apply this paste on the affected area 2-3 times every day. You can also take some neem oil and apply it on the affected area with a dental pick or cotton ball.
Then massage well and keep it like that for 10 minutes. Do this once every day. Neem because of its anti-bacterial properties will help to heal the affected area very fast. So getting rid of dry socket is not that difficult and by following the above mentioned 5 herbal remedies you can easily get good results within a very short time.