Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Furuncle

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Furuncle

A furuncle is a type of boil, which normally occurs due to infection of the hair follicles. Although furuncles appear pretty much like boils, they may turn out to be a lot more painful combined with a tremendous burning sensation.


Furuncles like boils are best treated with antiseptic and antibacterial remedies, which can be done in the safe ways by using some of these below mentioned herbs. However, these herbs not only kill the bacteria or prevent further infections, but also minimize the pain and inflammation, other than fading away the black scars which may occur as a result of furuncle formation.

Herbal Remedies For Furuncle


Calendula is regarded as the miracle herb for skin imperfections, due to its strong healing powers. Calendula is used as a first aid in many households and performs nothing worse than over-the-counter antiseptic liquids and medications. The speed with which calendula heals wounds and furuncle is simply unbelievable. However, calendula not only heals the furuncle but also helps to soothe the surrounding inflamed skin and reduce the tremendous pain that stays almost always associated with furuncles.

The carotenoids and flavonoids present in calendula helps to protect the skin from free radicals, while its antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties help to kill the furuncle causing bacteria and keep secondary infections at bay. Calendula tinctures and topical creams are especially of tremendous help to furuncles as these not only help to treat the condition fast, but also ensure to keep unwanted marks at bay.


Turmeric deserves the top position in this list as it is loaded with all such properties which are required to heal and prevent further formation of furuncles. Turmeric being a hepatic and depurative herb works from within by detoxifying the blood to prevent and heal furuncles.

Additionally, turmeric being a natural source of iron helps to minimize the chances of furuncle formation by cutting down the iron deficiency, which has been observed to be one of the primary causes for furuncle formation. Turmeric’s antiseptic properties prevent further exaggeration of the infection and its analgesic properties help to keep the inflammation and pain at bay. Turmeric can be applied as oil or topical cream over the furuncles and consuming it helps to keep the blood clean.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a very well-known herb for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Being a popular remedy for acnes and other breakouts, tea tree has also been observed to be helpful for banishing furuncles. Tea tree oil works on furuncles in two steps.

First of all, the volatile oils present in tea tree oil bestow it with antibacterial properties, which help to kill and flush out the furuncle causing bacteria from the body, thereby healing the infection faster. Secondly, tea tree’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties help the person to cope with the tremendous pain and inflammation associated with furuncle while it gets healed. Tea tree oil being an extremely safe and gentle herbal oil is suitable for any skin type.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera has become a very poplar herb among common people today. Aloe vera gel is used in almost every alternative skin care product, primarily due to its healing and soothing properties. Aloe vera gel being an antibacterial agent helps to terminate the furuncle causing bacteria and promotes faster healing of the wound, thanks to it being loaded with vitamin E and vitamin C.

While vitamin E promotes faster regeneration of the damaged tissues, vitamin C ensures to banish the ugly marks which may occur as a result of furuncle formation. Additionally, aloe vera gel also helps to minimize the pain and inflammation that remains associated with furuncle.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a shrubby plant, which is primarily popular for its anti-inflammatory properties. The dried leaves can be steeped in hot water to prepare a soothing compress or skin wash for treating skin wounds and infections like furuncles.Other than fighting with the pain and inflammation, witch hazel also helps to reduce the redness and swelling of the skin that may occur as a result of furuncle formation.

Deblina Ray:
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