Top 5 Home Remedies For Cradle Cap

Remedies For Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is basically a skin rash which occurs on the scalp of new born babies. It is not a problem and they do not cause any danger to the baby. Mild forms of cradle cap are common and severe forms are very rare to find. However new parents seeing the excessive shedding of the yellow nastiness in the form of skin from the head might feel perturbed.

Many seek medical help while some prefer going for the home remedy to treat the cradle cap situations. The best thing about home remedies is that they do not have any side effects. Here are simple and effective home remedies to treat cradle cap.

Home Remedies For Cradle Cap

Coconut Oil Way

There are many oils which are recommended for babies but coconut oil is the best oil when compared to baby oils and olive oils. Coconut oils have many useful properties. Coconut oil is pretty dry and thus no mess is created.

Coconut Oil Way

It does not leave any oily residue so it does not screw up the pretty little clothes which you purchase for your kid. It also has anti fungal properties. If the cradle cap has turned to a fungal problem then coconut oil is the best help.

Getting Rid Of The Yellow Nastiness

Maintain hygiene and cleanliness. Parents must take extra care to maintain utmost cleanliness. A soft bristled baby brush is the way you can get rid of the yellow skin without hurting the baby.

Getting Rid Of The Yellow Nastiness

In order to get rid of the flakes in a much easier manner gently rub on some oil on the scalp and leave it for some time. After letting it rest for some time try to brush off the scalp. The scalp become softer and thus the flakes are more easily removed.

Application Of Baking Soda Mixture

Mix baking soda and water to make a thin paste in a clean bowl. Allow the mixture to sit for a moment and then apply the paste on to the entire scalp. After a while remove it with the baby blush.

Application Of Baking Soda Mixture

Massaging Mineral Oil

Mineral oil is easily available in any store. Gently and liberally apply it on your honeys scalp. Let the oil be there on the scalp for 2- 3 hours. Wash the oil off the scalp using some baby shampoo.

Dry the hair with a wet cloth by circling the cloth on the scalp. Drying the hair will take time. Give it time till the yellow flakes disappear. Keep doing this several times a week for best results.

Massaging Mineral Oil

Shea Butter Way

Shea Butter is an excellent moisturizer high on Vitamin A. Due to a number of advantages it is used in different skin care products. Along with getting rid of cradle cap eczema and dry scalp can also be prevented. Shea butter easily melts away without clogging the pores or leaving up greasy feeling on the scalp.

Shea Butter

Parents you do not need to feel perturbed as Cradle cap is common among infants. Everyday bath accompanied with right use of moisturizers can help prevent Cradle cap.