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Hair-Lightening has soon emerged to be a wide-spread fashion trend. It has caught the fancy of people of all race, color and region, simply because somehow, a tinge of color suits almost everybody. Mainly, it is the human desire to change that makes hair-lightening and coloring one of the most sought-after ‘renovations’. However, color-lightening also involves a lot of harmful chemicals, often leading to hair-damage on the long run. The good news is however, that there are available quite a few natural methods to lighten your hair as well.
Let Us Take A Look At Some Of The Best Available Natural Methods To Lighten Your Hair:
1. Henna
To make a nice natural hair lightening pack using Henna, you will need:
– Henna Powder
– Chamomile Powder
– Boiling water
Firstly, measure equal quantities of all the ingredients mentioned. Now, slowly mix the measured amounts into the boiling water, stirring constantly. After, you have acquired the desired consistency; allow the paste to cool-down. Now comb the hair-pack into your hair, preferably wet before application. Cover your entire head with a shower-cap and leave for about two-hours or so. Afterwards, rinse your hair normally to remove all traces of the hair-pack from your hair.
2. Salt
This is one of the cheapest and easiest methods to hair-lightening. Who could have thought that the simple salt could help lighten your hair? Here is what you will need:
– Simple Salt
– Water
For this method to work, you will need one part salt mixed in to five parts water and pour the mixture all over your hair. Allow the mixture to ‘sit-in’ for around 15-30 minutes before you rinse your hair thoroughly. Repeat this process at least twice to thrice a week on alternate days to get the desired results.
3. Vinegar
This is also one of the most effective and reliable methods to hair-lightening naturally. This, however, is one of the most gradual methods of hair-coloring. This also requires time and a certain amount of patience for the lightening-effect to gradually ‘develop’. For this you would require:
– Good quality Vinegar
– Pure water
You simply need to mix-in 1 part water with 6 part Vinegar and rinse your hair. Allow the rinse to ‘sit’ for about half an hour after which rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water. You will get your desired effect after a couple of repeated use.
4. Lemon
Using Lemon for hair-lightening is one of the most ancient methods practiced through ages. For this you will require:
– Freshly squeezed Lemons
– Pure water
For this method, you will need to mix-in about 2 tablespoons of the freshly squeezed Lemon in to about a cup of pure water. Apply the blend all over your hair and simply sit under the sun until your hair completely dries-up. Wash thoroughly later on and here you have a nice subtle method of hair-lightening.
5. Vitamin C
This is yet another effective method of hair-lightening which is healthy as well. For this you will need:
– 8-9 Vitamin C tablets
– Your regular shampoo
All you need to do is crush the Vitamin tablets and mix them well in to your favorite shampoo, just before a shower. Shampoo your hair as usual all the while rubbing the ‘Vitamin-blend’ properly throughout the hair. Condition well after the wash and repeat as required.
So, here you have some of the best-known natural methods of hair-lightening and adding highlights on to your locks. Go ahead, choose the method best suited to you and enjoy the color that will glow through your hair.