Top 8 Fruits That Are Good For Diabetics

Top 8 Fruits That Are Good For Diabetics

Top 8 Fruits That Are Good For DiabeticsTop 8 Fruits That Are Good For Diabetics

Fruits are a great source of nutrients and are good for the health. However, people having diabetes are not allowed to have certain kinds of fruits and they wonder what kinds of fruits to include in their diet plan. Fruits contain healthy amounts of fiber, minerals, and other nutrients and few studies have revealed that diabetics can include fruits in their diet, but in moderate quantities. They need to eat them in small portions and stay away from those fruits that contain added sugar syrups or canned varieties containing preservatives. Unless they eat fruits in moderate quantities there is nothing to worry about the blood sugar spikes since fruits have low glycemic index. So, diabetics can pick those fresh or frozen low-carb fruits and satisfy their sweet tooth by consuming them in smaller portions.

Below Is The List Of The Top 8 Fruits That Are Good For Diabetics:

Tart Cherries:

Tart cherries contain a lower glycemic index. In fact, twelve tart cherries contain just 14gm of carbs and provide 59 calories. Few studies have revealed that tart cherries contain more anti-inflammatory compounds than other fruits. Being a great source of antioxidants, they provide several health benefits ranging from boosting immunity to keeping heart diseases at bay. However, choose only fresh, frozen, or dried varieties as the canned version contains lots of sugars.


Berries such as strawberries or any other kinds of berries can be included in the diabetic diet as they contain low carbs, a good dose of antioxidants, and nutrients. A 3/4th cup of fresh blueberries contain 16gm of carbs and provide you with just 62 calories.


Low-carb, sweet apricots can be added to the diabetes diet plan as one apricot contains 4gm of carbs and can provide around 17 calories. They are a great source of fiber and consuming four fresh apricots can provide more than 70% RDI of vitamin A, a nutrient good for the eyes.


Pears are also low-carb varieties in fruits and contain good doses of fiber and potassium. They can be added to your salads as well. Store them at room temperature or in the freezer until they are ripe.


Juicy peaches are good for your health and can be added to the diabetic meal plan. It contains good amounts of potassium, vitamin A, fiber, and vitamin C. They can be added to your smoothies or iced tea to give your beverage a fruity twist.


An apple a day will keep your doctor at bay is a noteworthy adage. Hence, it can be added to the meal plan of diabetics. It contains Vitamin C and fiber as well. The skin of the apples contains antioxidants and consuming an apple can provide you 54 calories and just 14gm of carbs.


Kiwi is a low-carb fruit rich in fiber and is a great source of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. Consuming one kiwi can provide you with just 13gm of carbs and 56 calories. Hence, it can be added in the diet plan of diabetics. Delicious kiwi is available throughout the year. Hence, including it in the salads is a great way to get a healthy dose of nutrients.


Oranges are great sources of vitamin C. They are low in carbs and have lower GI. It contains 15gm of carbs and can provide you with 62 calories. Also, oranges contain healthy amounts of potassium and folate helpful in normalizing your blood pressure levels. So, it can be included in the diet for diabetics. Even other citrus fruits such as grapefruit can be preferred.

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