Top Five Foods For Healthy Skin


Foods For Healthy Skin

Healthy and glowing skin is one of the major requisites for most of the people. A healthy skin will not only make you look more youthful and enhance your personality but also keeps you away from all kinds of skin problems, allergies and skin diseases.

However, skin treatments and medications available in the market are not always considered to be the best solution for flawless skin. These cosmetic solutions or medicines might have their own side effects. However, nature provides us with the perfect remedies for all kinds of problems and crisis.

So, if you are looking for healthier skin, try and hang on to some food products. Including these foods in the daily regimen will only help you to a great extent in making things better. the food guide mentioned below has top 5 foods that lead to a glowing and healthy skin-

Diet And Top Foods For Healthy And Flawless Skin

Benefits Of Green Tea

Green Tea For Healthy Skin

Green tea is one of those natural products that truly deserve to be in your food itinerary for healthy skin. Having 1-2 cups of green tea daily will give your body an enriched form of antioxidants that acts as a great protection to the cell membranes. Along with this regular intake of green tea helps you save the skin from sunburn and UVA and UVB rays.

Some other benefits include reduction of skin inflammation and acting as a shield to serious health ailments like skin cancer. Rejuvenating skin cells is one of the significant properties of green tea as well that prevents aging and keeps the skin youthful. It provides the skin with major needed minerals and vitamins for an overall health.

Have Blueberries

Blueberries For Healthy Skin

This is one of the other food items that have great amounts of antioxidants in it. The free radicals that cause skin damage and dying of cells can thoroughly be reduced with this wonderful fruit making the skin healthy and young in one of the easiest ways possible. Some of the major nutrients required by the skin can be available through this food item. These are Vitamin E and C, riboflavin, manganese and insoluble fiber.

Herein, we can also mention some other fruits that will help you with healthy skin. These are kiwi, citrus fruits like lemon and oranges that brings firmness to the skin keeping it young looking and grapefruit, tomatoes and tangerines.

The Magical Effect Of Water

drink water

Water is the most easily available and beneficial source for healthy skin. Along with having innumerable advantages for the body, regular intake of water helps in keeping the skin hydrated, soft and supple. 8-10 glasses of water each day helps in flushing out the dirt and toxins from the body and also triggers skin cell growth and renewal. However, you should not drink any liquid that has caffeine as a part. Fresh fruit juices will have positive effects.

Have Carrots

Vitamin A, antioxidants, fiber, potassium, thiamine, Vitamin K, B6 and C are some of the nutrients that carrots provides the body with. This in turn helps in reducing the free radicals in the body that is the major cause for skin cell damage. Regular intake will definitely help you achieve a better looking and flawless skin.

Carrots For Healthy Skin


For all the non-vegetarians out there, here is some good news. Seafood is a great source if you are looking towards healthy skin. Be it in the form of fish or salmon, shellfish or oysters these have omega fatty 3 acids that reduces inflammation and dryness of the skin and keeps it hydrated.

Seafood For Healthy Skin