Top Five Vitamins For Colon Health

It has been estimated that there were almost 150000 adults affected with colorectal cancer in the year 2009. Colorectal cancer is the form of cancer that is known to affect the colon. However, it is important to note that colorectal cancer as well as other colon diseases, can easily be prevented by consuming colon-healthy vitamins. Given below is a list of those vitamins that are considered beneficial for colon health.

Best 5 Vitamins For Colon Health

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is considered beneficial for maintaining colon health. Research studies conducted by Harvard University have also shown that this vitamin is helpful in preventing the occurrence of colon cancer. Exposure to sun rays is the best way to get enough vitamin D. It is been pointed out that only 10 per cent of the daily requirement of this vitamin is gained from your diet.

There are several excellent food sources of vitamin D and they include meat, fish, eggs as well as green leafy vegetables. However, it is important to note that you should try to take a multivitamin supplement, as the recommended daily intake of this vitamin cannot be met easily by only consuming certain foods.The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is around 1000 IU; however, consult your physician regarding the suitable dosage for yourself.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to be a powerful antioxidant vitamin that helps in promoting colon health. This vitamin reduces the risk of suffering from several infections that may affect the colon. It has been reported that vitamin C prevents the occurrence of colon cancer, especially in women.The results of a research study conducted by the University of Southern California show that women who consumed high amounts of this vitamin were less prone to suffering from this condition.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is primarily used in the prevention of heart disease, but may also prove beneficial for colon health. Vitamin E is known to exhibit antioxidant properties and helps in reducing the risk of suffering from colorectal cancer.The recommended daily intake of this vitamin is around 400 IU. Foods that are excellent sources of this vitamin include almonds, leafy greens, olive oil and fish oil.

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Vitamin B6

Several research studies have confirmed the effectiveness of this vitamin in preventing colon cancer. Foods that are good sources of vitamin B6 include organ meat, whole grains, almonds and nuts.The recommended daily intake of vitamin B6 is around 80-100 mg. You can also take multivitamin supplements for colon health, if you do not get enough vitamin B6 from your diet.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is considered effective in promoting colon health and preventing the occurrence of infections as well as colon cancer. This is due to the fact that this vitamin exhibits anti-oxidant properties.The results of a research study conducted by the University of Texas, it was noted that vitamin A (retinol) proved beneficial in reducing the proteins that trigger the occurrence of cancer. Foods rich in this vitamin include fish, liver, cheese, pumpkin and broccoli among others.

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