5 Top Herbal Remedies For Appendicitis

5 Top Herbal Remedies For Appendicitis

AppendicitisAppendicitis Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix which is a worm like pouch attached to the large intestine in the lower portion of the abdomen on the right side. The function of the appendix is not really known and usually no one pays attention to it unless it causes problems. The infection, inflammation or blocking of the appendix results in extreme pain in the abdomen.Usually this is a treatable and not very serious ailment, but if the appendix ruptures it can cause poisoning of the entire system and that is when it becomes life threatening. The treatment of the ailment involves the surgical removal of the appendix, but if detected in early stages it can easily be treated using herbal remedies for appendicitis.

Herbal Remedies For Appendicitis

Mint Juice

Mint Juice For AppendicitisMint Juice For Appendicitis Mint is extremely helpful in getting rid of the pain that occurs due to appendicitis. This herbal remedy is very easy to take as well. Take a glass of water and add 3 drops of mint juice in it. Now drink this water. You have to drink water mixed with mint juice after every 4 hours daily to get relief.

Cucumber, Carrot And Beet

Cucumber, carrot and beet are rich in nutrients and are well known for their cooling effect on the body. Carrot is especially is used in treating a variety of ailments.

Take 100 ml juice each of cucumber and beet and 300 ml juice of carrot. Drink this mixture two times daily for fast relief from appendicitis. This is one of the very effective herbal remedies for appendicitis.


Garlic is really a wonder herb and is well known for its antibiotic and antibacterial properties. It is extensively used as an herbal remedy for several ailments resulting from infections. The best way to consume garlic is to eat it raw as cooking destroys the healing properties of garlic which make it act as one of the herbal remedies for appendicitis and other ailments. Eating 3-4 cloves of garlic every day can help to treat the swelling and inflammation in the appendix. If you do not fancy the idea of chewing raw garlic, you can consume garlic capsules instead.

Ginger And Turmeric

Ginger and turmeric are both very strong medicinal herbs and are used in the treatment of various ailments. The most significant properties of both these herbs are their anti inflammatory property and their function as pain relievers. In fact the pain relieving properties of ginger and turmeric are comparable to low doses of aspirin and ibuprofen. Hence they help a lot in relieving the inflammation and pain caused by appendicitis. The best way to use these herbs is to add them to your cooking for them to act as herbal remedies for appendicitis. As an alternative you can also take them in capsule forms which are available in health food stores.


Ginseng has been in use in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat several ailments. It is also useful in the treatment of appendicitis as it reduces the inflammation and pain in the appendix. Make a tea of the herb by steeping it in boiling water. Drink one cup two times a day to heal appendicitis.

Joyeeta Bose:
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