5 Top Herbal Remedies For Ascites


Herbal Remedies For Ascites

Ascites or abdominal dropsy is caused by the accumulation of excess fluids in the abdomen. This ailment is a common side effect of alcoholism and can also be caused by liver disease, chronic viral hepatitis or intravenous drug abuse. Even tumors, obstructions in the portal veins and other problems can also cause ascites.Fortunately there are many herbal remedies for ascites which can be implemented with ease. These herbal remedies aim at eliminating the excess fluid in the abdomen and some of them also act on the root cause.

Herbal Remedies For Ascites


Garlic For Ascites

Garlic is really a wonder herb and is well known for its medicinal properties. It is used in the treatment of various ailments including viral and fungal infections. It can also be effectively used as a remedy for ascites and the implementation of this remedy is quite simple. Take half a teaspoon of fresh juice of garlic and add it to 125 ml water. Consume this water with garlic juice two times in a day. It should be continued for 2-3 weeks for best results.


Apocynum For Ascites

This is an outstanding remedy for ascites especially when the urine is dark colored and less in quantity and the patient has constipation. Take 15 – 30 drops of apocynum extract in four ounces of water and consume one teaspoon every hour. If there is no response from the bowels and kidneys, you can administer 30-40 drops every 3-4 hours. If there is still no improvement then add ground apocandle root to the decoction and consume slowly to act as one of the herbal remedies for ascites. The only word of caution is that consuming apocynum in large quantities at once may cause nausea.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd For Ascites

Bitter gourd is well known as a remedy for diabetes and is also useful as one of the herbal remedies for ascites. Take the roots of bitter gourd plant and extract the juice. 25ml of the juice should be diluted by adding a little water and consumed thrice a day for the time it takes the sufferer to recover. This remedy provides prompt relief from the symptoms of ascites.

Polytrichum Juniperum

This herb can be used as a diuretic infusion to eliminate the accumulated fluid in the abdomen. In order to prepare the infusion, take 2 to 4 teaspoons of the herb and add to one cup of hot water. Steep for about 10 minutes and then strain the decoction. Take this preparation twice a day for as long as the symptoms of the problem persist.

Polytrichum Juniperum For Ascites


Radish is also a very useful herb and is especially known for its beneficial effect on the liver. This is the reason that it is effectively used in the treatment of ascites especially if it is caused by liver problems. Extract the juice of fresh radish leaves and dilute it with some water. Consuming one glass of this juice three times a day is very beneficial in controlling the intensity of the ailment and hence is one of the best herbal remedies for ascites.

Radish For Ascites