11 Wonderful Home Remedies For Bronchitis Cough

11 Wonderful Home Remedies For Bronchitis Cough

Bronchitis may be the result of a viral infection, usually catching hold of the nasal passage and spreading to lungs. It is accompanied by a cough and wheezing. There may be some fever and fatigue.  But problem occurs when your bronchitis has left you, and the cough has decided to stay back.

Bronchitis CoughBronchitis Cough


Fortunately there are many simple and economical home remedies that help a lot in managing the bronchitis cough.

List of Home Remedies For Bronchitis Cough


We all know the benefits of this  good-old-remedy. Come what may, warm saline gargles can not be replaced with any other treatment. But not every body knows the right frequency and the method  of doing these gargles. Hence, the full benefit that can be derived from them often does not take place. It is recommended that gargles be done for 6 to 8 times a day.

First of all take a cup of hot water, hot enough for the mouth  to tolerate. Put  a pinch of salt and stir. Now take a sip and lift your face up towards the ceiling and swirl that hot water inside your throat while continuously making  deep sounds.  The water should remain in your throat for a while, spit it out and take another sip and repeat.  After finishing the water cover your throat with a muffler or a cloth. This act will seal the goodness and warmth of gargles and give you a lot of relief from that nagging cough.

Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation will loosen the mucus, if there is any. Once the mucus comes out, the relief will be on its way.You can buy a mini steam inhaling unit, it will be very useful for the entire family and it can be bought at a very little price. Inhale steam for about 10 minutes, with a cloth  thrown over the head to trap the steam.Some people prefer putting essential oils in the water. Though they do not do much to look after the bronchitis cough , they definitely sooth the flayed nerves which  need looking after that exhausting cough.

Ginger Tea

Mayo clinic and University of Maryland canter strongly recommend the use of ginger tea for cough. It has a strong spicy flavor.  To make tea you need a cup of water. Put half a tsp grated ginger. Put it on heat and simmer it with  the lid on for about 8 to 10 minutes. Strain, add honey and a bit of lemon juice.This wonderfully tasty tea is a boon  for healing your  throat, tired of coughing non-stop.

Goodness of honey will sooth the dry throat and lemon juice will give the much needed vitamin C, so essential for sore throat.Take 2 to 3 tbsp of finely grated ginger. Put it in a muslin cloth to squeeze the entire juice out. Add to the juice 5 tbsp honey. Mix it well. It can be kept for three-four days. Lick half a tsp of this gingery and tasty syrup 5 times a day. Continue using it for  a week.


Turmeric  is  well known to be an antiseptic.  It is taken as a part of regular diet in Indian-subcontinent.  Hence, is very safe, if taken in moderation. One very effective remedy to cure bronchitis cough is to take it with milk.One needs to boil one fourth of  a teaspoon of turmeric in a cup of milk.Sugar is added to it.For best results put some clarified butter and drink it hot before going to bed. The taste may not be to your liking, but it is guaranteed to give a cure. It regulates the phlegm and coats the throat for the night.Turmeric powder is available in the grocery stores or health stores. It is cheap and easy to use.


Well! Can rest too be counted as a remedy? Yes, definitely. A good home remedy to give healing touch to the incessant coughing is rest in the comfortable confines of home. Taking adequate rest from work will give a boost to the immune system to rejuvenate itself.


Boiled for a little lesser time  than a half- boiled egg, it comes around as a quick acting remedy for bronchial cough. It heals as well as nourishes.Take two eggs boil them for one minute and let it remain in the same hot water for another 5 minutes.Scoop it out of its shell and add dry roasted black peppercorns and cumin seeds. Put a dash of salt and eat it warm with your favorite hot tea.  It will definitely bring relief for bronchitis cough. Continue eating it for a few more days. In fact, you may take one egg at a time, twice a day.

Holy Basil Tea

Among  the  myriad benefits of holy basil, comes another one, i.e. it can amazingly work on  the throat as well as fight for bronchitis and associated symptoms  as well. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial therapeutic value. People of India revere this plant because of its innumerable medicinal properties. Many households plant this in the center of the courtyard, with prayers offered at dawn and dusk.Make an infusion of about 10 holy basil leaves, called tulasi in India, in about a cup of water. You can add a cardamom as well. To this infusion honey can be mixed. This makes one dose, take three doses in a day.

Keep Warm

If it is winter season, keep yourself warm, specially your chest should remain warm.It helps a great deal in getting rid of bronchitis cough.

Drink Teas

You can drink a cinnamon tea, or clove tea or even a garlic tea, if you may like to call it a tea.

Hot Fluids

Drinking warm water or fluids will make you feel better,  with lesser bouts of cough.

Humidify Room

Dryness can create havoc with the bronchitis related cough. Humidity in the room to an extent will decongest and help give some relief.

Additional Care

While looking after yourself so well, trying all sorts of remedies, you must keep in mind that you should stay away from cold food , cold water and cold drinks. Do not attempt to eat ice-creams.


M Nandini:
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